新闻No Surprise: SF’s Housing Market Was Bonkers This Spring
Curbed San Francisco July 21, 2014 Throughout the spring quarter, every sign seemed to indicate that San Francisco's market remained red-hot and insanely competitive. Now the numbers have been tallied and suspicions have been confirmed: Prices continued to rise,...
华尔街日报 2014年7月8日 中国公民已经成为美国最大购房群体之一。 据美国房地产协会周二公布的调查表明,美国房地产市场的外国投资比例在去年增长了35%。中国购房者居领先地位。 截止三月份,中国购房者在过去的12个月内购买了将近220亿美元的住房,约占外国人购房总金额的24%。去年同期中国购房者购买房屋总金额为128亿美元,约占外国人购房总金额的19%。 阅读更多...
Chinese Lead Way as Foreigners Step Up Purchases of U.S. Homes
The Wall Street Journal July 8, 2014 The American Dream has a big new buyer: the Chinese. Foreign purchases of U.S. residential real estate jumped 35% last year, with Chinese buyers leading the way, according to a survey published Tuesday by the National Association...
KALW 2014年6月9日 旧金山正在蓬勃发展。旧金山猎人角发生着翻天覆地的变化。这是一个宏伟的项目,在这个城市打造一个拥有崭新面貌的地区。住宅、商店、公园和高楼大厦正在建设中并将会取代沉寂多年的海军船厂。 阅读更多...
7x7SF 2014年6月5日 旧金山的住房价格飙升,租赁价格也居高不下。一个新的海滨开发项目可能成为您的住房首选。拥有能将市中心和海湾风景尽收眼底的住房环境,而不到70万美金房价?简直太棒了。 阅读更多...
New 海滨酒店项目 May Be 下一页 Hot (Affordable) Neighborhood
7x7SF June 5, 2014 With San Francisco home prices skyrocketing, and rent prices at an all-time high, it's time to get out of dodge. Or is it? Rather than fleeing to the burbs, a new waterfront development could be your (relatively) affordable housing option of...
ABC 7 新闻 2014年6月4日 旧金山猎人角社区将在一个旧的军事基地上建起新的高端住宅。历经几年的清理时间,247栋新房将在今年年底前进入施工阶段。Lennar Urban发言人Sheryl Mckibben说到:“我们所建设的房屋是面向各个收入群体的。” 阅读更多...
旧金山商业时报 2014年6月3日 花几十万美金抢购一所可以眺望市中心的位于旧金山的海景公寓听上去是多么不可思议的事情。但是莱纳通过猎人角的启动承诺了这件不可思议的事。周六,销售中心推出的88 套房屋为旧金山的房屋供应市场增加了可观的可销售房屋数量。 阅读更多...
Lennar Urban kicks off first sales at Shipyard
San Francisco Business Times June 3, 2014 Snapping up a waterfront condo under a half-million dollars with views of the downtown skyline and the bay may sound impossible in San Francisco, but that is what Lennar Urban is promising with its launch of the Shipyard in...
SFGate 2014年5月25日 在经历了三所房子被竞价对手击败后,Shura Kelly打算不浪费时间,迅速决定买下这所在117 De Montfort街的房子。 的确,这处房子是在Ingleside Heights街区的Ocean街道附近,并不是Sunset街区。她和她的消防员男朋友James ‘Denis’ Quirke在Sunset街区长大,如果可以,她们宁愿留下来。不过这街区价格已经变得十分昂贵。这个20世纪20年代的小船坞风格的房子确实有着很大的魅力:原始的木材,斜面玻璃门,阳光明媚的厨房以及宽敞的后院。 阅读更多...
金门国际 Presents a Championship Season for EB-5 Investment
EB-5项目 to be Launched: America’s Newest NBA Arena for the Sacramento Kings October 24: Shenyang and Beijing October 25: Dalian October 31: Beijing and Shanghai November 1: Shanghai One of America’s Top EB-5项目s, 金门国际, has raised close to $300,000,000 & Fulfilled...
市中心商圈 to serve as gathering place near arena
KCRA Sacramento September 16, 2015 SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KCRA) —萨克拉门托国王队 and JMA投资集团, LLC announced Wednesday the mixed-use project as part of the 金色一号体育场, which will be known as the 市中心商圈. 市中心商圈, nicknamed DOCO, will be a three-acre plaza that will feature...
Sacramento launches 10,000-unit downtown housing initiative
Sacramento Bee August 26, 2015 By unanimous vote Tuesday night, the Sacramento City Council approved a framework to help get 10,000 new housing units of all types built in the central city in the next 10 years. The “In Downtown” initiative, launched by Mayor Kevin...