新闻S.F. hot housing prices back, bidding wars fiercer than ever
SFGate May 25, 2014 After getting outbid on three houses, Shura Kelly decided not to mess around with 117 De Montfort St. True, it was off of Ocean Avenue in Ingleside Heights - not the Sunset District where she and her firefighter partner, James "Denis" Quirke, grew...
KTVU.com 20145月20日 旧金山 — 美国经济环境的逐渐强势将湾区本已强劲的住房市场转变成了全美的领头羊。 HSN.com的一个列表调查了27个不同大都市购房所需的资金。 旧金山高居榜首,列表显示出购房者的薪水需要达到137,129.55美元,而在纽约,购房者则仅需要 89,788.69美元的薪资水平。 阅读更多...
Strengthening economy continues to spike Bay Area home prices
KTVU.com May 20, 2014 旧金山 — The strengthening U.S. economy has transformed the Bay Area's already strong housing market into the juggernaut of the nation. A list from HSN.com shows how much money you would have to make to buy a home in 27 different metro areas. San...
旧金山纪事报 2014年5月17日 自从1997年开始,莱纳一直在向Bayview区、公会领袖和环保主义者们推销着他们对振兴猎人角的愿景。如今,建造商已经准备好向对股东至关重要的群体-购房者,开始进行销售。随着在Innes大道上Hillside区88栋联排别墅和公寓木质框架的建起,莱纳将落成其对外开放的窗口的建设,这就是一栋占地3500平方英尺的设计别致的欢迎中心。欢迎中心里建有壁炉、舒适的座椅和可以眺望海湾的宽阔的平台。 阅读更多...
Hunters Point Shipyard transformation in home buyers’ hands
San Francisco Chronicle May 17, 2014 Since 1997 Lennar Urban has been selling its vision of a revitalized Hunters Point Shipyard to everyone from Bayview district neighbors to union bosses to environmentalists. Now the builder is ready to start selling to the one...
Medium.com 2014年1月22日 如果你如同我一样爱旧金山,那你一定很难眼睁睁看着旧金山变成一个极其昂贵和越发排外的地方。作为一名交通规划员,我曾经认为住房只是一个相关问题,并不是我直接关注的问题。但是,面对如今旧金山所面临的挑战,我想找出导致住房短缺的根源并探索我们力所能及的事,来确保旧金山保持欢迎所有人无论是艺术家还是蓝领工作者或是企业家们的样貌。 阅读更多...
Why housing costs keep rising in San Francisco
Medium.com January 22, 2014 If you love San Francisco, as I do, it’s hard to watch the transformation of the city into a place that is extraordinarily expensive and increasingly exclusive. As a transportation planner, I used to view housing as a related issue, but not...
Mayor Ed Lee has a housing solution
San Francisco Chronicle January 17, 2014 Mayor Ed Lee thinks he has a solution to slow the accelerating problem of homeowners being priced out of San Francisco and the Bay Area - build new housing at perhaps the fastest rate in the city's history. That's the...
旧金山纪事报 2014年1月17日 市长李孟贤认为以旧金山最快的速度建造新房屋是一个缓和旧金山及湾区房屋价格过高问题的途径。这将是周五Lee市长发表的年度市情咨文的核心内容。他将呼吁在未来六年里建造或修复3万套住宅。这些住宅中过半数的住宅将被定价为廉租至低中收入者能负担的水平如收入为14万5650的四口之家。 阅读更多...
Mayor Lee’s 2014 State of the City Address
SFGOV January 17, 2014 I wanted to come here and talk to you about the State of our City because this place, the Shipyard, links our proud past to an even more promising future. Behind me, hundreds - and soon thousands - of new homes for middle class families are...
Luxury suites sold out at new Kings arena
Sacramento Bee July 6, 2015 Even with a tumultuous off-season and a long playoff drought, Sacramento Kings fans are remaining loyal. Kings team President Chris Granger said Monday that the team has sold all 82 of its luxury and “loft-style” suites at the 金色一号体育场,...
Google eyes S.F.’s Hunters Point Shipyard for future office space
San Francisco Business Times June 15, 2015 Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) is in talks with developer Lennar Urban to set up shop at San Francisco’s Hunters Point Shipyard, two sources with knowledge of the discussions said. READ MORE »
Inside the Brand-New Residents’ Homes at the SF Shipyard
SF Curbed May 29, 2015 One day, the Hunters Point site that holds the San Francisco Shipyard will have more than 10,000 new homes sprawled across a formerly toxic old shipbuilding lot on the southern edge of the city. It's not impossible to imagine the community that...