旧金山市政府 2014年1月17日 我来这里想和大家谈谈我们的城市,是因为这个地方,这个船厂,连结着我们骄傲的过去和一个更加光明的未来。在我身后,数百乃至数千栋崭新的中产阶级家庭住宅正在建造中。这个船厂代表了我们作为一个城市从过去三年经济大衰退后的复苏中所取得的显著进步。 阅读更多...
旧金山商业时报 2014年1月17日 在10年的等待后,期待在旧金山猎人角船厂买房的购房者在这个春季将有机会购房。 Lennar Urban在周五发布消息说旧金山猎人角的首批房屋将包括从50万美金出头的一居室到接近60万美金的两居室。这价格远低于在相邻街区Hayes Valley 和 Lower Pacific Heights每平方英尺1000美金的公寓。 阅读更多...
Lennar to open Hunters Point Shipyard sales office in spring
San Francisco Business Times January 17, 2014 It took 10 years, but home buyers looking to own a piece of San Francisco’s Hunters Point Shipyard will get their chance this spring. Lennar Urban said Friday that the first homes available in the redevelopment at the...
Want a derivative with that visa? Immigration-investment program aims to expand reach
San Francisco Business Times Nov 15, 2013 After raising $77 million from foreign investors for Lennar Urban’s massive Hunters Point Shipyard redevelopment — and targeting another $96 million over the next few months — the leaders of a pay-to-play visa program are...
旧金山商业时报 2013年11月15日 投资移民签证项目的领导者们正在拓宽他们的视野。他们从外国投资者手中集资7千7百万美元用于Lennar Urban大规模的猎人角船厂再开发,并在接下来几个月里目标集资9千6百万美元。金门国际CEO方景仪女士说金门国际董事前旧金山市长Willie Brown和他长期合作的律师史蒂芬凯可能将与加州其它区域中心合作来扩大项目组合。 阅读更多...
Visa-for-investment program funnels $77 million into Hunters Point, $96 million more sought
San Francisco Business Times November 13, 2013 Overseas investors in Lennar Urban's massive redevelopment of the former Hunters Point Shipyard — most of them Chinese nationals tapping a pay-to-play immigration program — over six months pumped $77 million into the...
旧金山商业时报 2013年11月13日 在Lennar Urban前猎人角船厂的大规模重建项目中, 海外投资者在仅六个月左右时间里投资7千7百万美元。其中大多数是中国公民投资于投资移民项目。这个令人惊讶的结果来自于金门国际从12月至5月头两笔集得的基金。金门国际与政界有着良好密切的联系。 此结果显示亚洲投资者对湾区有着非常大的兴趣。金门国际首席执行官方景仪说,这个结果更巩固了区域中心到2月底为第三个基金筹集9千6百万美元的信心。 阅读更多...
旧金山商业时报 2013日6月26日 Lennar Urban已经开始在猎人角动工建造首批88套联排别墅,这是在期待已久的面积为750英亩的猎人角-烛台角发展中的首批住宅单元。 这批住宅是开发项目中山顶区阶段的一部分。总开发共计1400套住宅。根据所发布的新闻稿,施工将在2014年低结束,占据247的市场利率并建成保障房。 阅读更多...
彭博商业周刊 2013年6月26日 Kimberly Boortz在看到旧金山单户家庭住宅需求激增后,开始寻觅在旧金山的公寓。她说有意购房者“挤破头”在看房,而只有现金交易和比要价高很多的出价才能拔得头筹。30岁在Gilead Sciences Inc制药公司工作的政府事宜经理Boortz说:“房市的竞争非常疯狂”。她和男友从华盛顿搬来,计划买房同居。她说:“这样的天价让我们惊呆了,虽然朋友曾告诫过我们,但是我天真地认为我们不会遇到这个问题。” 阅读更多...
San Francisco’s Million Dollar Homes Spur Condo Surge
Bloomberg Jun 26, 2013 Kimberly Boortz began searching for a San Francisco condominium after seeing the heated demand for single-family homes in the city. Potential buyers would “elbow their way around” showings, and only all-cash offers or bids well over the asking...
Lennar Urban Fielding Strong Demand From Buyers at San Francisco Shipyard
The Registry April 17, 2015 Although newlyweds Ryan and Angela Lyles both work in San Francisco, they did not consider moving into the city when they began looking to buy their first home. “We didn’t even bother looking,” said Angela Lyles, 26. “We thought, ‘Well, we...
SF Shipyard Kicks Off Second Round of Home Sales; Prices Start in Low 50万美元s
SF Curbed April 14, 2015 旧金山猎人角 has officially begun sales on its second release of homes just a month after selling out its first release. And while the first release saw prices that started in the mid-$400,000s for a one-bedroom condo, prices for the second release...
San Francisco Shipyard Officially Sells Out First Two Buildings
SF Curbed March 11, 2015 The early stages of the San Francisco Shipyard development, perched on the tip of Hunters Point, has always felt like a bit of an experiment in San Francisco housing. Would homebuyers be willing to head that far out to a neighborhood still in...