新闻Chinese pay to play visa game
San Francisco Business Times March 16, 2012 Chinese investment is landing in the Bay Area... Just last fall, former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and his partners won U.S. Citizenship and Immigration 服务s approval to operate a so-called “regional center” that serves...
Redevelopment is still important without agency
SF Examiner Jan. 22nd, 2012 When the California Supreme Court on Dec. 29 upheld Gov. Jerry Brown’s elimination of redevelopment agencies across the state, there was rejoicing among some property rights advocates. They have decried the abuse of redevelopment by...
旧金山观察家报 2012年1月22日 正当加州最高法院于12月29日维护州长Jerry Brown消除全州所有再开发机构的同时,一些财产全力倡导者欣喜不已。 他们谴责政府官员滥用再开发使用权来铲平百姓的房屋让给商场、主题公园、体育场、滨水区开发和其它裙带资本主义交易。虽然有滥用职权的存在,但是再开发的过程也有有利的一面。它使得一部分的当地税款被用于当地公共改善项目而不是把它们送去萨克拉门托来等待并期望它们中的一部分将来会被用于提供某种好处。 阅读更多...
Program may create Bay Area jobs and help investors earn US citizenship
SF Examiner Nov. 27th, 2011 A visa program that puts rich foreigners who invest in the U.S. on the road to citizenship is picking up steam and could one day lead to hundreds of jobs and tens of millions of dollars in Bay Area investments, backers say.In recent years,...
湾区引入资金创造就业 助投资者获美国公民身份
旧金山观察家报 2011年11月27日 支持者说,富裕的外国人在美国投资能获得公民身份的签证项目不断升温,未来能在湾区创造出数百个就业岗位和数千万元的投资。近年来,一度沉寂的EB-5签证项目成为寻求安全投资的全球企业家们和寻求解救美国经济衰退方法的美国官员们的关注焦点。外国投资者投资1百万美元或者50万美元在失业率为150%的区域,可以有资格获得移民签证并在两年内获得绿卡。 阅读更多...
Hunters Point Shipyard – Candlestick Point Project Recognized as National Transformative Investment
旧金山市/县, Office of the Mayor Nov. 11th, 2011 Mayor Edwin M. Lee today announced that the Hunters Point Shipyard – Candlestick Point redevelopment project has been selected as one of just three Transformative Investments in the United States by the Brookings...
旧金山市政府市长办公室新闻发布中心 2011年11月11日 市长李孟贤于今天宣布猎人角-烛台角再开发项目被布鲁金斯学会选为三大国家改造投资项目之一。李市长说:“全旧金山市民应该为猎人角-烛台角项目被选为新发展的全国模范项目而感到骄傲。”他说:“许多居民,尤其是Bayview和猎人角的居民已长期为这个区域所急需的重建提供了意见和指导。市政府将毫不拖延地为船厂进行重建,并为东南社区带来新的住房、公园和成千上万的就业机会。” 阅读更多...
Ginny Fang Appointed CEO of 金门国际
David Perry & Associates Oct. 7th, 2011 Ginny Fang, Executive Director of ChinaSF (www.chinasf.org), has been named CEO of 金门国际. Fang, who has led the public-private partnership, ChinaSF, for the last two years has expanded San Francisco's presence throughout...
Pay-to-play immigration-investment program tabs ChinaSF’s Ginny Fang as CEO
San Francisco Business Times Oct 7th, 2011 Ginny Fang, executive director of San Francisco's public-private effort to boost investment between China and San Francisco, has been hired as CEO of the new 金门国际 (GGG). GGG is a federally designated center which aims to draw...
前旧金山驻华办公室总监方景仪女士(Ginny Fang)任投资移民项目首席执行官
旧金山商业时报 2011年10月7日 旧金山市驻华办公室是合作型的公立/私立经济发展计划,旨在促进中国与旧金山之间的投资交流。曾任旧金山市驻华办公室总监的方景仪女士(Ginny Fang),被金门国际指派担任首席执行官。金门国际是由联邦政府委派旨在为湾区引进外资并创造就业机会的机构。由旧金山市前市长威利布朗先生作为股东,由法律事务所及投资公司的行政部门进行区域中心的运作。 阅读更多...
Candlestick Park to be Turned into New Mall and Housing as Lennar Takes Over 77-Acre Site
Multi-Housing 新闻 December 26, 2014 According to a recent press statement, North American Title Co.’s California region has closed the acquisition of the Candlestick Park site by Lennar Corp’s San Francisco division. Lennar is the parent company of North American Title...
Multi-Housing 新闻 2014年12月26日 根据近期一项新闻声明,隶属莱纳集团的加州区North American Title Co.公司已成功收购旧金山烛台角。莱纳公司是North American Title Co.的母公司。 重建项目将把面积为77英亩的烛台角及其周围区域建成约50万平方英尺的都市化奥特莱斯,12000所新住宅单元和拥有220个房间的酒店设施。烛台角建成于1960年,它是全美足联和美国职业棒球大联盟的大本营。 阅读更多...
Mayor Ed Lee Wants the 2024 Summer Olympics in San Francisco
NBC Bay Area December 18, 2014 An Olympic Village at Hunter's Point? A pop-up Olympic stadium on a Bay Area landfill? Details of San Francisco’s more than $4 billion Olympic bid were revealed Thursday morning at City Hall...San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee told reporters...