新闻AsianWeek: “Mayor Lee Tours Hunter Points Shipyard”
AsianWeek Jul. 27th, 2011 San Francisco Mayor Edwin Lee last week toured Hunters Point Shipyard-Candlestick Point, an up-and-coming development that has sparked the interest of Chinese investors and Asian residents who make up the area’s fastest growing population....
Candlestick Point – Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Phase II EIR recipient of California Hard-Won Victories Award
Hunters Point Shipyard 新闻报道 Jul. 27th, 2011 The California American Planning Association announced today that The Candlestick Point – Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Phase II EIR has been selected as the winner of the 2011 Hard-Won Victories Award. According to the...
亚洲周刊 2011年7月27日 旧金山市长李孟贤上周参观了猎人角-烛台角项目。这是一个蓬勃发展,吸引了很多中国投资者和该地区人口增长最快的亚洲居民的注意力。李市长和布鲁金斯学副会长和布鲁金斯大都会政策项目的创始总监Bruce J. Katz还有Lennar Urban总裁Kofi Bonner一起参观了猎人角。 阅读更多...
旧金山纪事报 2011年7月12日 旧金山的法官否决了大部分对颇具争议的猎人角船厂和烛台角再造项目的法律性挑战,这为项目开始施工扫清了道路。该项目计划将猎人角和烛台角改造成一个拥有超过10500所住房的新社区。高等法院法官Ernest Goldsmith周一公布了一份37页的判决,表明除了船厂一些部分的早期转移,该大型项目的环境审查充足。 阅读更多...
SF Chronicle: “Hunters Point redevelopment given OK to progress”
San Francisco Chronicle Jul. 12th, 2011 A San Francisco judge has tossed out most of a legal challenge to the controversial plan to convert the shuttered Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and nearby Candlestick Point into a new neighborhood with more than 10,500 homes,...
猎人角新闻发布中心 2011年7月8日 Lennar Urban 今天宣布旧金山东南区的猎人角烛台角再造项目在旧金山举办的太平洋海岸建筑商会议上荣获著名的Gold Nugget Grand Award大奖。猎人角和烛台角获得最佳“On the Boards”现场规划奖项,与之竞争的是其它美国和国际项目。IBI集团和RHAA是该项目的土地规划者。旧金山东南区的再造项目开发商Lennar Urban总裁Kofi...
Hunters Point Redevelopment Project Wins Prestigious Award at Builder’s Conference
Hunter's Point Shipyard 新闻 Release Jul. 8th, 2011 Lennar Urban announced today that its Hunters Point Shipyard Candlestick Point redevelopment project in San Francisco’s southeast sector has been awarded the prestigious Gold Nugget Grand Award at the Pacific Coast...
Ginny Fang from ChinaSF speaks on Comcast “新闻makers.
Comcast '新闻makers' May 18th, 2011 ChinaSF (www.chinasf.org) Executive Director Ginny Fang speaks with Jack Hanson of Comcast '新闻makers.' With offices in Beijing, Shanghai and San Francisco, ChinaSF is a public-private initiative of the San Francisco Center for...
旧金山驻华办公室总监方景仪女士(Ginny Fang)接受新闻节目Comcast 新闻makers 访问
Comcast '新闻makers' 2011年5月18日 旧金山驻华办公室(www.chinasf.org)总监方景仪女士(Ginny Fang)在与Comcast 新闻makers的Jack...
Candlestick Point – Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Phase II EIR recipient of 2011 Hard-Won Victories Award
Hunter's Point Shipyard 新闻 Release May 4th, 2011 The Northern California American Planning Association announced today that The Candlestick Point – Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Phase II EIR has been selected as the winner of the 2011 Hard-Won Victories Award....
Candlestick Park to Make Way for a Mall
The Wall Street Journal November 17, 2014 National home-builder Lennar Corp. has joined with mall-owner Macerich Corp. on plans to develop a luxury-outlet mall as the anchor of a redevelopment of San Francisco’s Candlestick Point. Lennar intends to announce Monday...
Benzinga 2014年11月17日 莱纳集团,全美领先的住宅开发商和全美顶尖的高端零售业所有、经营和开发的商业巨头Macerich于今日宣布将合作开发一座占地50万平方英尺的都市奥特莱斯项目,这里将成为崭新的充满活力的烛台角社区的重要部分。 阅读更多...
Lennar Announces Launch Of Redevelopment Of Candlestick Park In San Francisco
Benzinga November 17, 2014 Lennar Corp. LEN 0.68%, one of the nation's leading homebuilders, and Macerich MAC 1.63%, one of the country's top owners, operators and developers of high-performing retail properties, today announced a joint venture partnership to develop...