www.sohu.com 2014年9月19日 2014年9月9日——加州旧金山:知名EB-5投资组织旧金山湾区区域中心(SFBARC)致力于为旧金山湾区及更广大地区增加就业和投资移民的机会,为重新打造其品牌,现已更名为金门国际。 阅读更多...
San Francisco Bay Area Regional Center is now 金门国际
www.sohu.com September 19, 2014 September 9th 2014 – San Francisco, California: San Francisco Bay Area Regional Center (SFBARC), the well-known EB-5 investment firm that is committed to generating employment and EB-5 investment opportunities, is changing its name to...
中国日报网 2014年9月19日 知名EB-5公司自2012年起已筹集将近2亿美元资金...... 阅读更多 »
San Francisco Bay Area Regional Center is now 金门国际
ChinaDaily September 19, 2014 The well-known EB-5 investment firm San Francisco Bay Area Regional Center is now 金门国际, and has raised approximately $200 million in EB-5 financing since 2012. READ MORE »
旧金山纪事报 2014年9月14日 对于能负担的起居住在旧金山的人,旧金山蕴藏着无限的就业机会,是一个能结交各地朋友和品尝手工零食和购买手工艺品的好地方。对于非旧金山居民来说,租房列表上的昂贵价格使旧金山成为遥不可及的居住地......旧金山超过全美其他所有都市,是拥有最贵住房市场的城市...... 阅读更多...
Strategies for dealing with S.F.’s housing crunch
San Francisco Chronicle September 14, 2014 For those who can afford to live in San Francisco, it can be a gloriously dense network of professional opportunities, friends and artisanal edibles and goods. For those who are on the outside, it seems ridiculously...
旧金山商业时报 2014年9月10日 旧金山州立大学打算在猎人角租用约6万平方英尺的空间作为创新区。旧金山州立大学主席Leslie Wong和旧金山商业时报说到: “我们将在猎人角落户”。 他还说“我们想要并计划在猎人角设立分部。” 阅读更多...
SF State University wants to expand at Hunters Point
San Francisco Business Times September 10, 2014 San Francisco State University seeks to lease more than 60,000 square feet of space in the former Hunters Point shipyard as part of an innovation district that Lennar Urban is planning for the site…"We're going to plant...
SF Curbed 2014年9月10日 随着Lennar Urban在旧金山猎人角开发项目中的新房建设不断推进,旧金山州立大学欲在该地成立生物技术企业孵化器。该学校计划租用猎人角约6万平方英尺的地方建立创新中心...... 阅读更多...
Buoyed by Biotech Hopes, SF State Eyes Hunters Point Shipyard
SF Curbed September 10, 2014 We've been watching the new housing go up at Lennar Urban's massive mixed-use development at the SF Shipyard, and now San Francisco State University would like to join the party with a biotech incubator of sorts. The school is angling for...
First concert announced for 金色一号体育场 — and it’s a big one
SACRAMENTO BUSINESS JOURNAL, May 2, 2016 – 萨克拉门托国王队 will welcome rock music royalty — and a knight in his own right — for the first concert at 金色一号体育场. Paul McCartney will perform Oct. 4 in Sacramento on his “One on One” tour, with ticket sales beginning Friday....
Sacramento Kings cut off Golden 1 season ticket sales
SACRAMENTO BEE, April 7, 2016 – 萨克拉门托国王队 said Thursday they’ve cut off season ticket sales for the inaugural year at 金色一号体育场 in order to hold seats back for individual games and partial season packages. 团队 President Chris Granger made the announcement on Twitter and...
Early home buyers at San Francisco Shipyard megaproject cash in as prices leap 30%
San Francisco Business Times April 1, 2016 Lennar Urban is making progress with the San Francisco Shipyard, its ambitious, $7 billion housing project at the former Hunters Point military base. The developer has marked the 106th close of escrow for its condos and...